Minutes: June 2009

Below are the Minutes from June’s meeting. Meetings are held on the second Friday of each month at 7:30pm at the Polish Home (although we are on summer break until September). For more information, visit the meeting information tab on our website.

June 2009
June 12, 2009
Call to order @ 7:43pm


Gdynia Business Week 2009: Based on the success of the Washington Business
Week (WBW) student exchange, SGSCA has created a similar program in Gdynia.
The City of Gdynia is prepared to sponsor students and instructors for a week-long
course from 16-22 August.
o Boeing grant has been submitted and we are waiting for a response
o Speakers for the program are being confirmed
o Mike is working with the Embassy to find judges for the program
o Glen is working with the City of Seattle on a proclamation of support for
this program.
o Debra and Janice will work on creating a press release

Washington Business Week 2009: This is an annual event; students from Gdynia
come to Seattle to attend Washington Business Week’s summer courses.
o Pacific Lutheran University session runs 6/22 – 6/28 – Homestays have been arranged for these two students
o Central Washington University session runs 7/20 – 7/26 – Homestays need to be arranged for these two students. Debra will send an email to the group and ask for volunteers.

Film Festival: The Film Festival Committee is currently on summer hiatus. Recaps for the 2009
Festival are provided each SGSCA meeting as accounts receivable and payable continue to adjust.
o 2009 Ticket sale funds have been received from SIFF

SGSCA Annual Picnic: Join us for a day in the park at our annual picnic!
o August 29, 2009
o 12pm – 5pm
o Lower Woodland Park – Shelter #04
o Details and reminders to follow via email and USPS


2009 Tall Ships Race: The City of Gdynia generously extended an invitation to the 2009 Tall
Ships Race, running July 2-5.
o Debra to attend

NEXT MEETING: September 11, 2009 at 7:30pm


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