Minutes: December 2009

Below are the Minutes from December’s meeting. Meetings are held the second Friday of each month at 7:30pm at the Polish Home. New members are always welcome.
  • December 11, 2009
  • Call to order @ 7:35 by Debra
  • 34 in attendance

Presentation of photographs highlighting SGSCA


  • Gdynia Business Week: Based on the success of the Washington Business Week’s (WBW) student exchange, SGSCA has created a similar program in Gdynia. We continue to recap the success of 2009’s program, and plan for 2010’s.
    • This topic is tabled until January

  • Washington Business Week: This is an annual event; students from Gdynia come to attend Washington Business Week’s summer courses.
    • This topic is tabled until January
  • Film Festival: The Film Festival committee is currently on hiatus.
    • This topic is tabled until January
  • Paczki Challenge: On Fat Tuesday, Metropolitan Market hosts a Paczki Challenge. SGSCA would like to assist with promotion on this event.
    • This topic is tabled until January
  • Guests of Honor: If you know someone who would be interested in SGSCA, or has ties to the Polish community, please invite them to our meetings.
    • Grazyna Ostrom and her mother, Krystyna, were at December’s meeting to promote their film, A Trip To Nowhere. The film brings Polish deportations during WWII to light, and is in the final stages of production.
      • Motion: Approve $1500 of SGSCA funds to help with final production costs, and assist Grazyna with finding aditional grants and donations.
      • Seconded, approved unanimously
    • Rev. Tony from the Catholic Seamen’s Club was our special guest at December’s meeting.
      • Mike presented Rev. Tony with a picture of the Black Madonna bought in Czestochowa
      • Debra presented Rev. Tony with an honorary Lifetime Membership with Seattle-Gdynia Sister City Organization

Meeting Adjourned: Next Meeting is January 8, 2010 at 7:30pm

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